Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I ❤️ Tuna Patties!

I know I just posted but I really wanted to share this recipe!  It's so good!
Here's the link.....
I subbed 1/2 a Joseph's Lavash bread for the white bread crumbs and I didn't have green onions so I just used part of a yellow onion!  
It seemed kind wet when I patted my patties out, but as I cooked them they firmed up!
I ate one pattie with a salad (butter lettuce is my favorite!) dressed with mozzarella cheese and honey Dijon dressing (Walden Farms)!  So yummy!!
Hope you'll try it out soon!!

Seriously life has been NUTS the last 5 months!!!

Where to even start!  My hubby ended up in the hospital for 6 days, had an open wound that had to be packed for 2 weeks, then redressed daily for 4 more weeks, weekly infectious disease Dr visits, and a PICC line for daily IV meds for 6 weeks!  Whew!!  
Then in April I started having severe uterine bleeding and in mid-May I had a D&C.  Thankfully I didn't have endometrial cancer but did have a large polyp that couldn't be seen on u/s because my lining was so thick.  
Two weeks later I fell out of my bathtub, tore my ACL & bruised my tibia.  I'm most likely not going to need surgery but physical therapy has been hard.  Taking things MUCH slower has been hard too.  
Two weeks after I injured my knee, my hubby had surgery to repair 3 hernias!  We are praying that we are finished with illnesses/injuries/surgeries for a VERY long time!!  LOL!
Through all of this the Lord has been faithful!  We are so thankful for His goodness!  I've taken this time of forced rest to spend time with my girls & family.  I've also relaxed a bit about housework and in giving my girls more grace in learning to do things around the house!  
I'm also excited to say that through all of that, I stayed pretty well on plan with Trim Healthy Mama!!  I'm down 25 lbs and feel great!  I really believe THM has helped the swelling in my knee and the healing process!! Here's a pic of my progress since December 2014...
I'm so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in the coming months!  I know that God has big plans and that's why Satan has tried so hard to stop us.....he will not succeed because our God is bigger, stronger & will win in the end!!