Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Yummy Midnight Snack....

Well, it's not really's actually about 3am.  My sweet hubby is out of town this week and I barely sleep when he's gone.  SO!  I thought it was the perfect time to do some late night snacking and baking!  (What else would you have done?! ;)

First, a snack was needed!  I bought some Light Wasa crackers the other day and as I opened the wrapper, my first thought was........cardboard.  These crackers look just like cardboard!!!  Uh-oh!  I've been following the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan for 2 weeks now and I've tried a LOT of new foods, all of them have been so yummy and NONE of them looked like cardboard!  LOL!  I was having flashbacks to my mom's "diets" know, rice cakes and tuna fish?!  YUCK.  So I plowed ahead thinking, "I'll try a bite, maybe it won't be too bad.  Maybe."  I spread Laughing Cow cheese on it, then sprinkled some nutritional yeast, sliced a juicy tomato and laid it on top.  Then I grabbed my Himalayan salt (love that it's pink!  so pretty!) and my Herbs de Provence and sprinkled it all over the top.  Here's what it looked like......

I took a was WONDERFUL!  Nothing like cardboard at all!  Thank goodness!  The cracker had a kind of nutty flavor, but the crunch!  Oh the crunchiness of that cracker was heavenly!  I'd been really craving chips.....crunchy chips, and these hit the spot!  This ain't your mama's diet!!  LOL!  (btw, this snack was considered a S Helper because of the carb content.)

After this lovely snack, I started craving something sweet and warm.  I've had several lovely smoothies lately, but no warm, soft cookies!  So off I went in search of a cookie recipe and I found one!  A Peanut Butter Chocolate  cookie!  The recipe is on page 387 of Trim Healthy Mama.


They turned out beautifully!  So yummy!!  I ate 2 and was totally satisfied!  They were SO delicious and I'm sure I won't get to enjoy many more of them once my girls are up and about in the morning!  I may have to hide a couple to savor with my morning cup o'espresso!

Happy snacking and sweet dreams!

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